Liver sugar: what are its effects on health?

Liver sugar: what are its effects on health?

The added sugar causes several health problems. But how does liver sugar affect you and your family? Other diseases also appear with the consumption of sugar such as obesity, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. In this article we will explain the effects of sugar on the liver.

Liver sugar

Today, we consume about 20 times more sugar than our ancestors. Sugar is bad for you. This can greatly increase the risk of premature death. It affects brain function, can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and increases the risk of heart disease. In fact, one of the most functional organs of the body, the liver, is working hard to detoxify our blood, producing the amount of bile needed to digest fat, break down hormones and storing vitamins, minerals and essential irons. This is why it is so important to take care of the liver and detoxify it. When it is not functioning properly, the body is unable to properly digest food.

Effect of sugar on the liver

The liver has a very limited ability to metabolize sugar and fructose. Therefore, the sugar in the liver can lead to diabetes and cause all the health problems that come with it. To give you an idea, your body safely metabolizes only about six teaspoons of sugar per day. However, people consume 20 teaspoons of sugar per day. In other words, all this excess is metabolized into body fat and leads to many chronic metabolic diseases including the hypertension, dementia and cancer. Research has shown that consuming too much sugar can stress and damage organs, including the pancreas and liver, for example. This is because the pancreas produces insulin to process sugar, when overloaded it may not regulate blood sugar properly. Additionally, large doses of fructose can also overload the liver, which metabolizes fructose.



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